Hazel Prior

Harp & Events

Hazel has been interviewed by Jo Whiley live on BBC Radio 2 and also by Richard & Judy following the phenomenal book club success of AWAY WITH THE PENGUINS.
She has also become known for her entertaining talks and readings with harp accompaniment. As well as countless events in bookshops and libraries, she has been a speaker at Yeovil, Taunton and Ilminster literary festivals. She is always happy to chat about her books at virtual or live events, and might sometimes be persuaded to sing her song about Penguins ('Waddling On'), her song about otters ('The Otter Way') or her song in praise of Books ('Books Are Cool') .
When she isn't too busy with the writing, Hazel also gives workshops full of practical tips for writers. She has taught writing at Swanwick Writers' Summer School and Taunton Live, given guidance online at Cambridge Creative Careers and mentored budding writers at Winchester Writers' Weekend.

Listen to Hazel discussing AWAY WITH THE PENGUINS with Lionel Ward of Brendon Books on 19.03.20 here:
A quick introduction from Hazel and a taster of AWAY WITH THE PENGUINS with a little harp ambience

A paragraph from
And an outdoor reading from ELLIE AND THE HARP MAKER